Thursday, May 19, 2016

Consciously Using Consciousness to Create

Spirit, it has been a while since we have come together in this fashion to write, but I now feel inspired to continue the journey that we started years ago. 

We are so glad that you are following this pursuit again, since it will be beneficial for many. Of course we have been speaking with you constantly, but so much of the information you have received has yet to be shared with others.  Life is always about change, and all is good no matter your decisions, but we admit that we are happy you will be pursuing this line of inspiration again.

Well it is hard not to, you have been flooding me with so much information these past few months.  I am once again ready to continue writing.  So first, let me ask you to elaborate on what we recently spoke about.  On my way to church last week I received a download about conscious creation and how we may be perpetuating systems that we don’t agree with in the way we are trying to manifest what we desire.  I shared a little bit about this at church but realize there is much more to learn.

We brought this to your attention because you are manifesting all aspects of life all the time.  It is something that is important to know if you wish to see the world change, as you do Nathan.  At the same time we hope that you and others do not overthink this concept to the point where you stop trying to actively manifest at all.  In fact the main reason we are introducing this concept is to prove to everyone exactly how powerful you are. 

Each one of you is constantly recreating and re-enforcing the creation of the world that exists around you.  In every thought that you have you are interpreting and giving meaning to energy that then begins to take form in a way that you perceive it.  So is the purpose of consciousness, to give shape and meaning to the energy that creates worlds.  Energy contains information that comes from consciousness.  So when you think a thought, you imbue energy with this information.  This is the basic premise of the “law of attraction” that many so often talk about.  It would be more accurately called the law of creation but we understand all words are just a generalization of a concept so that basic communication can take place.  This process of creation by consciousness is also a form of communication, but it is one that is much quicker and more exact in nature.  Every bit of information that you instill in energy through thought goes somewhere, creates in some way.  This is why we feel it is important to create with thoughts that truly represent the reality you wish to live in.

Let us start with one of the most basic concepts you deal with in your world, that abstract concept of money.  Now money in itself is nothing more than metal, paper, or bits of information contained in the vast space of the internet, but to it you have applied many meanings and thus created for yourself a world where money equals quality of life.  Of course those that have lots of money are usually okay with this concept and willingly perpetuate the creation of this.  Many more of you, especially those who are struggling, wish that money did not have to equal the ability to be safe, comfortable, be able to eat, receive an education, or receive healthcare.  At the same time most of the same people are still trying to actively manifest from within this concept by bringing more money to themselves.  So while they can certainly manifest the money to elevate their financial status within the world, they are in fact continuing to create the world where money equals the ability to be safe, comfortable, be able to eat, receive an education, or receive healthcare. 

This does not have to be the case though.  What if each one of you decided to create from a different story? What if you worked on manifesting what it is you truly desired without bringing the concept of money into your thoughts?  Can you imagine a life where the drive to receive money does not equal survival? 

I can. In my head I picture my family living on a piece of land where we have a modest house and a beautiful garden with all sorts of healthy fruits and vegetables.  I see us playing outside, picking our food together, and just enjoying the beautiful day.  We have all our basic needs met and seem so happy.  Surely money would not be a key to survival if we lived this way.

Perfect! Now use that creative thought as the beginning of your manifestations.  Notice how you feel when this scene plays out.  Create the scene so perfectly in your head.  Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Notice how healthy you feel. Feel the way your lips move as you smile and laugh together.  And as you experience this scene over and over again feel it so deeply that it permeates every cell in your body.  First create this space over and over again so that it becomes a real place in your mind.  Create this moment so strongly that its image is seems more real than your memories of past experiences.  Recreate this moment every day, and feel how you have all your needs met, and how happy you are.  Once you feel you can relive this experience with no effort we ask you to expand your world.  Suddenly you move to the edge of your land and look out to see your family, friends, and neighbors all living in a similar way, happy, fulfilled, with all their needs met.  Create this experience until it is real to you.  What you will notice is how your world begins to shift. At first it may be gradual. You will focus less on money and more on being happy.  But eventually you will notice that your needs are being met without the former struggle.  The world around you will begin to change, falling in line with the information that you have been instilling in the energy that comes to you in those moments of creative ecstasy.   When you actively and consciously imbue the energy of creation with your desires you are erasing the prior programming the energy had and instead giving it new directions to create.  You are like a programmer changing the code of energy so that the experience you have is now different than it would have been before.

So we simply ask you to define the world you wish to live in.  Remove from this world those factors you do not wish to experience.  Create a new definition of life on your planet.  And then when you consciously use your consciousness to create, create from this new world definition.  Do not manifest eliminating things from your current experience, but rather manifest from your world where they do not exist.  In this way you are no longer instilling energy with concepts you wish not to experience.  Instead you are using one hundred percent of all your creative thoughts to create this new and beautiful world.  You have all the tools you need, you always have.  We just hope to help you learn to use them more efficiently.  We do this with love, always.