Hi everybody. Last night as I was drifting out of consciousness I received some information I would like to share about the nature of channeling. I will ask Spirit to please step in and help me to explain this information so that it comes across clear and to the point. So if you would please Spirit?
Of course. We are so glad that you were able to remember this and ask us about it. Nathan, you will be starting to get more information during your sleep time so please be prepared for it. Did you not notice our little gift to you last night?
Yes, as I laid in bed I turned to be on my side and rolled my hand directly onto a pen. I had no idea how it got there. I assumed Alanna was studying and somehow it wound up there.
Yes, your wife was how we got the pen to the bed, but we assisted it in finding your hand and ending up on your side of the bed. As you know she studies on top of the covers on the other side of bed. So we used our influence to send you a message that you need to remember information as it comes to you. Of course in your tired state you did not realize this and gave your wife the pen.
Yes, I realized after I gave it to her that I may have found it for a reason.
And in realizing that there was a reason the message was received so all is in fact well. Now onto the question you asked about. Last night we explained to you why channeling works. It works because when mediums connect to beings they are not connecting outwardly. In fact you, Nathan, right now in typing this are not connecting outwardly but rather connecting inwardly. This is because WE ARE ALL ONE. The Jesus or angels that people connect to are not outside beings coming to them in their time of need but rather an expansion of their awareness that they are divinely also these exact beings. Everyone who sits there awaiting the second coming of Jesus is really not understanding why he came in the first place. The second coming of Jesus is within you. You are one and the same. You are Jesus, and the angels, and God, and the ascended masters, and the extraterrestrials, and the light beings and everything else in the universe. You, in these moments of connection, are really just widening your focus to include a vibrational frequency which you usually tune out. Nothing is outside of you. Everything is INSIDE of you. This is the secret of everything. Why do you think that archangel Raphael or Jesus or Mother Mary can appear to so many people all over the world? It is because they ARE all over the world inside every one of you. Always look inside for the answers, because that is the only place you will ever find them. Please focus on this thought and make it a part of your reality. Do so and you will never be at the mercy of anyone or anything else. You will be EMPOWERED. Infinite knowledge is within you. It is you. That is all for now.
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