Hello, it's been a little while since I've written a post. I have the feeling that we are going to discuss perspective and knowledge, but I do not know exactly where it will go. So let's see what Spirit has to say.
You are correct that we will be speaking about perspective. Our major point that we wish to speak about is understanding that everyone of you basically has the same beliefs, though many of you wrongly condemn others' beliefs as wrong. Take for instance this holiday of Easter many choose to celebrate. Christians will tell you that it is their most important holiday. Throughout the ages they have been taught to believe that the religions which existed before Christianity were incorrect and uncivilized. Yet if anyone really looks into modern day Christianity it is basically a Pagan religion in its ceremonies. Easter is a holiday that has been celebrated for thousands of years before the birth of Jesus. Of course so is Christmas pagan in origin. Our point here is to understand that most religions today are really just derivatives of older religions. Sure the names have changed, but even the concept of a god dying and being reborn as a savior comes from older religions. We do not say this to upset people and only use Christianity as an example because of it's popularity in your part of the world Nathan. Spiritualism, the church that you belong to Nathan, has beliefs that have been around for thousands of years as well. Our point is that your beliefs are basically the same and that it is your perspective of them that determines how you interact with the world.
The perspective most people have is determined by the amount of fear they let into their lives. For instance, most religions believe in life after death. They find the concept of eternal life comforting. While they believe in life after death many do not believe you can communicate with the dead. Wouldn't it be natural to believe if people exist beyond their physical bodies that they could somehow communicate with us? Logic would tell you that this should be possible, and we tell you it is, but many are afraid of what they cannot see and therefore push this belief out of their reality. It is a fear based belief. We would go so far as to say that even atheists have the same beliefs about life. Most would even admit that they wish there was life after death but since they have no proof they do not want to waist time with what they cannot prove. This fear of waisting their life away pursuing what they cannot prove motivates them to instead try and live very positive lives doing good here and now, not very different from how believers try and live their lives. We would tell you that this is just a different perspective based again on the fear they let into their lives. We are not saying that atheists are more fearful because they do not believe in life after death, most would like to, they just place the fear in a different place. Even in Spiritualism many of you are tied down to old belief systems and hold a large amount of fear. Since many of you believe in the non-physical you are fearful of what it may do to you. Often people cover themselves in protection to be safe and yet their lives do not seem to be any better lived than those who do not. We would say that it is not protection they need but rather an understanding of their consciousness and the energy that carries it. We will discuss this at another time.
This message is to simply point out the truth they way we in Spirit see it. We do not condemn the atheist, the Christian, the Spiritualist, or any other belief system. What we wish for you to see is the similarities. As we have written in our book Nathan, Spirit sees others through their similarities rather than their differences. It makes the world a truly wonderful place to see we are all the same. Therefore we believe that it is always best to work with others who may seem different and find the similarities. They are there. And by finding those similarities you eliminate the fear and allow your perspectives to come closer into alignment. And when people achieve a closer perspective, they begin to manifest together as a group towards one goal. And this, our friends, is how you change the world. Enjoy your holiday.
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