So I recently was thinking about humility and how it applies to being a spiritual person. Many people feel humility comes along with spirituality but in what ways and to what degree are largely open to debate. How do you in Spirit feel about the subject of humility?
Ah, being humble is a very interesting topic for those pursuing a Spiritual path in life. We of course will say that there is no right or wrong, the subject depends on what you are seeking in your life. We feel that the most beneficial way to be humble is to be open to experience anything and any point of view. Allow others to teach you and learn what you can from them. This does not mean take the information to heart and believe it, but rather to listen and try to understand where they are coming from and then see if the message resonates with you in a positive way. Admitting that you do not know everything is the best way to be humble.
At the same time some people use the subject of humility to perpetuate the myths that they are unworthy. We feel that it is okay to accept praise for something you have accomplished in life. It is beneficial for you to feel positive about your actions. So we do not suggest that you play down your successes in life in order to follow a humble Spiritual path. There is nothing spiritual about denying the greatness that all of you are. At the same time, as you accept the praise, be willing to admit that someone else can still teach you about the topic and be ready to listen.
When you started this blog Nathan, you were concerned about naming it “Nate’s Messages” because you were afraid people would look at the name and think you were cocky or full of yourself. Now though, we believe you are ready to understand why you were inspired to call them Nate’s Messages. The reason is because these are not just messages channeled by you but rather for you. These are our messages to you Nathan. This is why they are Nate’s Messages. We asked you to start this blog because a great many people can learn from these messages as well, but they are a part of your spiritual path. In a way this blog will serve to be a spiritual journal for you allowing yourself to see growth throughout the years. Allow yourself to be not only the author but the student and any fears you have about not being humble enough will fade away.
Another area we would like to touch upon briefly is the concept of money in exchange for services, as this plays to the Spiritual path and humility. Money is nothing more than an agreed upon concept of exchange. Money itself is worthless unless you place value on it. If the world suddenly decided to turn away from the concept of currency then instantly the wealthiest people in the world would be on the same level as everyone else. So money is not something that is evil, or unspiritual, it is barely even a thing. Money is a concept, and you decide as a society how much of this concept a certain action or object in your world is worth. So when you begin to value your spiritual gifts, whether they are healing, or counseling, or messages, you get to decide how this concept of money applies. A spiritual person would say, “ I do not understand everything about my gifts, so I have plenty to learn, but what I do have and understand is valuable and worth something.” To feel what you have is not valuable is to be a fearful being, not a spiritual one. At the same time to intentionally try and take more from people than is healthy for them to give is also fearful, as you are saying to the universe there is not enough around so I need to take as much as I can. We suggest that anyone looking to live off their spiritual gifts look at what they would desire to survive comfortably, look at what they personally would give for the service being provided, and then find that happy medium where they feel that neither themselves nor the client is being taken advantage of in the exchange. When both parties feel the price is fair then the value is determined and both people can move forward and appreciate the spiritual gifts that are being shared.
Remember that we are all connected so it is in everyone’s best interest to find that place of mutual positive exchange. If such a place cannot be found then it is best to part ways and wish each other the best. This is what we suggest to people in such a situation. We offer this to you Nathan as it is information that you will use soon yourself, as well as your wife and many others who attend your church. Always find the place of joy and love, in whatever you do, and you will find the path you seek. Remember to love others and yourself as there is really no difference, except that which you create in your mind’s reality. That is all for now. Stay confident in all you do and keep that thirst for learning and you will always continue to move ever upward and onward.
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