Friday, May 24, 2013

Truth is Marching On

So Spirit, today I got myself all riled up and ready for the March Against Monsanto tomorrow.  I am sure you know about this.  Can I ask you if Spirit has a perspective on Genetically Modified Organisms and businesses such as Monsanto?

Well, first of all let us say this, do not fear forever destroying the biodiversity of the Earth.  We do not feel that you can ever truly destroy nature, as is a fear of people regarding GMOs.  Many are worried about the biodiversity of the Earth being affected, and while it may be for a while the Earth will always correct itself.  So that is not a huge issue in the eyes of Spirit.  Of course it may be for all of you because the effects of Mother Nature correcting herself could eventually drastically deplete your food sources.  This is the problem anytime biodiversity is affected, one strain of illness can wipe out everything.  So we do believe that if you all want your quality of life to stay as it is then it would be important to prevent loss of biodiversity in the present.

There is a larger issue we have with what is happening, and we mean this in the more human aspects of us that come through now, because of course in the grand scheme no one can truly be hurt.  Spirit dislikes the loss of freedom that is taking place.  When you came to Earth you came to express yourself and to discover who you wish to be.  This is absolute freedom and Spirit using this freedom creates new and glorious ideas and manifestations.  That is why all Spirit chooses to incarnate, to expand the universe in new and wonderful experiences.  When any freedoms are lost, even if only perceived to be lost since no one can truly affect your experience without your allowance, then this perception of lost freedom creates a perspective within the incarnated humans that they are less than who they really are. 

In the case you are speaking about the company Monsanto looks to own food seed.  This means, according to your government at least, that anyone who grows food using such seed owes Monsanto, even if the seed is accidentally added to their crops.  We do not believe that a great few expressing control over many is ever a true representation of who we all really are, and therefore Spirit is willing to assist those who wish to create equal opportunity and balance.  Freedom is your true essence and we in Spirit wish for all to see this and use this knowledge to create a truly magnificent world.  It is happening.  Your world is changing even as we speak and people are deciding to not be controlled anymore.  We find it amusing that your country, who so cried for freedom and stood as an example to so many has now become the fear based control regime you so fought against.  Your country is controlled by money, and even this concept of money is no longer backed by anything real.  You base your whole lives on working to earn what amounts to a promise from your government of something real, when in fact what you work for is worthless and can be destroyed at any time.  It is important to realize this, and this reality is why it is so important to have control over the real things in life, such as your food and water supplies.  Worry less about the economy and its illusion and focus on controlling what really matters.  Companies like Monsanto realize this and it is why they have acted in such a way.

In the long run you will live on either way.  You get to choose what your collective reality will contain.  Do you wish to be controlled by the few or will you stand up with your fellow man and decide that the many have more power, because they do.  The many will always be more powerful in a collective consciousness created reality.  The many, especially backed by knowledge of how the universe works and how we are connected to everything around us, have an unlimited source of power.  False concepts of money and worth mean nothing in your reality.  The only meaning they have is what you give them.  Take the power you give to money, and governments, and big businesses and military and place that power in your belief of who you are and no one can touch you.  In fact, they will all cower in front of you because they will see that you are untouchable and that you have what they they have always strived for, complete control of your reality.

This is the message we would like to spread.  We worked with your passion for activism in this post Nathan, which accounts for the slightly different tone in the beginning, to show you how important this revolution across the world is.  You create your reality.  You get to decide who has the power.  And as you march with your fellow activists tomorrow understand that you have the power.  You are not fighting against someone with all the power, you are the power saying no to the illusion others have created for you.  March with this in your hearts and no doubt you will see your world change.  It has to, this is the way of the universe.  We send you love and light and know that we are always with you, pushing all of you to find your inner freedom, your connection to Spirit, and your power of creation.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Program Allowing

I have no idea what this post should be about.  I know that you came through for me in the trance class I recently took.  I was nervous that I would not bring anyone through and asked you to be there, and when I finally allowed you to open my mouth I was amazed at how fluidly you spoke through me.  Can you comment on this to begin?

We were glad to be there with you, and of course you knew we would be there.  What you truly questioned was if you would allow us to speak through you.  That is what this post is to be about, allowing.  To often in your lives you create the desire for something and then do not allow it into your world.  For instance Nathan, you really wanted us to come through in trance.  We knew this many weeks in advance as we heard your prayers.  We planned to be right there with you but knew that there were steps needed to get you to the place where you would allow yourself to "give us the reins" so to speak.  Therefore, as we mentioned during trance, we first taught you to light trance our messages through the guided meditations you do at church.  These meditations were a simple step  forward from the writing that you are doing here.  The difference was the usage of your voice.  Once you began doing the meditations and allowed us to channel them through you we knew that full on trance channeling would be allowed by you as well. 

Of course, what if you had not been prepped for this moment?  If we had not worked with you prior to this class there is a good chance that you would not have allowed what you desired to happen.  Why would anyone not allow there desires to come true?  Well, it happens all the time, and the prime reason for this is fear.  When you desire something you are proclaiming that it is something you do not have.  Therefore to get this desire to manifest you have to change something.  What do you have to change?  Luckily the answer is a simple one.  You only have to change who you are in relation to the world around you. 

The term most people are using for this is changing your vibration.  It is not a new idea that you are all energy.  Nor is it a new concept that your world runs as a computer program.  The interesting thing about your world is that it runs like a computer program where the programmer exists within the program.  You are both the creator and the person having the experience, and this is often where people lose sight of their reality.  Since you exist within the program you get to abide by all its fun rules and codes.  Since you are also the programmer though, you can change the coding of this very same program.  You do this by changing the coding within yourself, or as some people like to put it your vibration.  Vibration is not an incorrect way of saying it but we are going to use the term program here because we want you to understand your true power.  People do not always understand changing their vibration, but changing a program often makes sense to them.

It is only a few lines of code that need to be changed before the whole world around you is affected.  In any program one tiny misplaced figure can prevent the desired outcome from appearing.  The same is true with your world.  You can set up everything you need for success but if your code is off just a bit your chances of success will be diminished.  So how do you change your program?  Well your program is your thoughts.  The world is sending you constant signals and you get to interpret them with your thoughts.  In this way your mind will connect with thoughts that are of a similar wavelength and it will dismiss thoughts that are different.  This is your own internal filter and it is a wonderful thing, especially once you learn to control it.  The thoughts you put out determine how the energetic universe around you reacts.  So now how do you allow certain energies and thoughts in that will allow you to manifest what you truly desire?  The easy way is to change what you think.  Of course it is best to first find out what you need to change.  If there is a desire that you are not allowing in your life then there is some fear hidden in your code.  So you need to find that fear and then allow your program to change.  For you Nathan, in your trance class, the fear was about giving a Spirit control of your body, and also a fear of being put on the spot or faking it.  Now in your heart you knew that we would come through for you, just as you know that you would never fake a message to someone.  You always give only what you feel and nothing more.  So as you began the process of allowing us in you kept using the thoughts, "I love you; I surrender."  This change in your pattern was all that you needed to allow us in.  With love you removed any fear of negative energy or false messages and with surrender you gave us the ability to calm your nerves and come through you.  You were able to identify these fears ahead of time and we put a plan in place for you. 

Yes, I read about a few different people who did trance and got a few pointers, especially the one about surrender.  I had a feeling I was being led to read about these different people. 

We led you to them but only because it was your desire to allow us to come through.  And once you had these tools of "love and surrender" there was no way you could fail, because you had a way to calm your fears and allow the original manifesting desire to come forth.  So we ask those of you reading this to be honest and find your fears that are keeping you from your desire.  Where is the blockage, what is the thought that is sabotaging your code?  Once you can find it replacing the code is as simple as repeating, "I love you.  I surrender."  And know that when you find the fear that is preventing you from manifesting your desire we in Spirit will place before you the tools you need, just as we did with Nathan, so that you can feel secure and comfortable changing your code and thus changing the way the whole world presents itself to you.  And that our friends, is the true power of love and Spirit, and it is the true nature of who you are.  You are the creator of worlds, and the power to change your life is just a few thoughts away.  We are right there with you so have no fear, and without fear you will truly soar.