Monday, February 25, 2013

The Nature of Channeling

Hi everybody.  Last night as I was drifting out of consciousness I received some information I would like to share about the nature of channeling.  I will ask Spirit to please step in and help me to explain this information so that it comes across clear and to the point.  So if you would please Spirit?

Of course.  We are so glad that you were able to remember this and ask us about it.  Nathan, you will be starting to get more information during your sleep time so please be prepared for it.  Did you not notice our little gift to you last night?

Yes, as I laid in bed I turned to be on my side and rolled my hand directly onto a pen.  I had no idea how it got there.  I assumed Alanna was studying and somehow it wound up there.

Yes, your wife was how we got the pen to the bed, but we assisted it in finding your hand and ending up on your side of the bed.  As you know she studies on top of the covers on the other side of bed.  So we used our influence to send you a message that you need to remember information as it comes to you. Of course in your tired state you did not realize this and gave your wife the pen. 

Yes, I realized after I gave it to her that I may have found it for a reason.

And in realizing that there was a reason the message was received so all is in fact well.  Now onto the question you asked about.  Last night we explained to you why channeling works.  It works because when  mediums connect to beings they are not connecting outwardly.  In fact you, Nathan,  right now in typing this are not connecting outwardly but rather connecting inwardly.  This is because WE ARE ALL ONE.  The Jesus or angels that people connect to are not outside beings coming to them in their time of need but rather an expansion of their awareness that they are divinely also these exact beings.  Everyone who sits there awaiting the second coming of Jesus is really not understanding why he came in the first place.  The second coming of Jesus is within you.  You are one and the same.  You are Jesus, and the angels, and God, and the ascended masters, and the extraterrestrials, and the light beings and everything else in the universe.  You, in these moments of connection, are really just widening your focus to include a vibrational frequency which you usually tune out.  Nothing is outside of you.  Everything is INSIDE of you.  This is the secret of everything.  Why do you think that archangel Raphael or Jesus or Mother Mary can appear to so many people all over the world?  It is because they ARE all over the world inside every one of you.  Always look inside for the answers, because that is the only place you will ever find them.  Please focus on this thought and make it a part of your reality.  Do so and you will never be at the mercy of anyone or anything else.  You will be EMPOWERED. Infinite knowledge is within you.  It is you.  That is all for now.

Monday, February 11, 2013


So, what do you wish to talk about for your first message?

Well let us first state that it is far from our first message being posted online.  In fact many people channel Spirit throughout the world and post it online.  Of course here, being channeled through you Nathan, Spirit will have a unique voice.  See, everyone who channels adds some of themselves to the channeling.  This happens in two ways.  First of all every medium is just that, a medium used to translate our thoughts into words.  Therefore every medium has no choice but to include some of themselves and their knowledge into that interpretation.  Some may see this as a bad thing, but in reality we see it as a way to bring forth new ideas into the conversations we have. 

The second way the medium affects the messages is by the spirits they attract to communicate with.  Different mediums will attract different non-physical beings based on where both parties are along their evolution.  So in this way the information being channeled will always be a vibrational match to where you are in your journey. 

So here we are, ready to present a message from our, meaning both you Nathan and ourselves, unique perspective.  We will start by mentioning that you had a great storm this weekend.  Tell us about it.

Yes, we had quite a blizzard.  There was over a foot and a half of snow.  Luckily I was smart enough to go out shovel a few times during the night so that I didn't wake up to a huge mess the next day.  Sure I was tired getting up every few hours but in the long run it seemed worth it.

Thank you for sharing that information because this is what we wish to use as our example for our first post with you.  See, by taking count and then dealing with your situation as it was happening you prevented it from becoming a full blown issue.  This is what we wish to see you in the physical do more of.  Many of you do not take care of yourselves.  You push yourselves, eating poorly, sleeping little, building up stress in your bodies and do nothing about it until it becomes a full blown issue.  Why do you wait so long?  We know that this is not a new message, but it is one that continually falls on deaf ears.  You do this yourself sometimes Nathan.  Why is it that your society gives you sick time at work but only lets you use it when you are extremely unwell?  At that point it is too late.  It is not good to push yourselves until you cannot go any more.  You need to take time before you get sick.  When you notice that you don't feel quite right or that you haven't slept well you need to take a preventative sick day.  This goes for emotionally as well as physically.  Your body will naturally heal itself, that is its function.  Of course if you keep telling it that you do not wish to be well and do not give it the tools it needs then of course it will not be able to do the job.  Give a town everything it needs for its citizens to be happy and they will work together and be prosperous.  But those same people, when deprived of what they need , will turn on each other and the leadership of their society.  You are the leader of your body.  You are made up of individual cells each with their own consciousness.  Give them all what they need and you will prosper as a team.  Fail to do so, and you will find yourself suffering the consequences.

We know that this is a very basic first message, but it is so important.  One cannot seek enlightenment and peace with the outside world while constantly fighting a war within.  Take care of yourselves.  Your body is important.  Your body has consciousness and it wants to work with you to find success.  Find peace with yourself and the whole world opens up to you.  There is so much that you cannot see because you are distracted by this inner battle.  We ask all of you to be more conscious and aware of your bodies.  See the signs that something is not right and take the time to fix it right away.  Create peace in your body and you will see that peace begin to spread out to the world around you.  This is all for today.  Thank you all for joining us.  We hope that you will all treat yourselves as the wonderful creators that you are.


Friday, February 8, 2013

The Introduction

Hi everybody.  I have been pushed by Spirit to start writing this blog.  I have no idea where this is leading but I find that when I trust and follow through great things always happen.  My name is Nathan and I have been studying Spiritualism, healing and mediumship for the past five years.  In 2011 I was lucky to be part of a group of people who founded the First Spiritualist Church of Rhode Island.  This was the beginning of Spirit really pushing me out to become more of a speaker.  As I would talk to people at church many would say to me, when are you going to write your book?  I thought about it for a while, even started writing one for about a week, but never felt I had enough new and interesting things to say. 

One day I was driving home from work and I heard very clearly that Spirit wanted me to start writing.  Playing the smart guy I asked them, why don't you tell me what to write about then, since I had been unsuccessful in the past.  Their reply was very simple, "Sit and write.  Let it be about the lessons you learned while writing a book."  This message blew me away.  If the book was about learning from writing the book, then really to know what the book was about I had to just sit and start typing.  So I did.  I asked a simple question and then quickly, just typing fast enough to keep up with the thoughts forming in my head, I typed out an answer.

I was a little in awe at first.  I had read books formatted in such a way, that was not new to me.  But never did I think I could sit and ask Spirit and then literally type out a response.  So I kept on doing it.  Now I am over 20,000 words in and I am still loving the process.  So much so that when I felt pushed to created this blog from Spirit I no longer felt any hesitation.  I know now that Spirit is really here with us, ready to answer our questions if we are willing to ask them. 

At first I struggled with what to name this blog.  I liked having it be connected to my art site which is  At the same time I wasn't sure if calling it Nates Messages seemed like I was taking all the credit when of course Spirit is doing most of the work.  Then I remembered one of Spirit's first lessons for me was that we work as a team, they need us to help communicate messages as much as we need them.  That was my confirmation from Spirit that it was okay to include my name in the title.  That is how I came upon Nate's Messages - Channeled Through Spirit.

So here I am, ready to do my best to translate the thoughts that pop into my head into words and paragraphs that are easy for you to understand.  When you see typing such as this it is coming directly from me.  When you see words typed in italics that is me translating for Spirit.  I hope that you enjoy the words we have to say.