Friday, July 26, 2013

Creating the Past

Spirit, I have a question regarding some channeling I gave at our trance mediumship class the other day.  You spoke to a friend of mine about the nature of history and told her basically that we discover and create our own history and that there is no absolute past to discover.  Could you elaborate on this? I feel that I sort of understand what you are saying but that I do not quite get the whole picture.

We will give you some more information, but understand that the level we are able to give you depends on your understanding at this point  As you learn more and bring the information we present to you into your belief system then there will be more details that we can provide you at that time.  For now let us start by saying that there is no past or future that exists somewhere along a stream of time.  Rather there is a vibrational reality that you are not experiencing in this moment that is still very real but outside your range of observation.  As you choose to experience different vibrations you create for yourself what appears to be a timeline, but this is a creation of the physical world you live in.  In the physical world your body can only process a limited amount of information so you have created filters that blind you to most of reality, leaving only a small portion of it experienced.  There is a very simple way to say this.  For a past to exist as you know it things would have to have an end.  Since all is of God and eternal then there can be no end, therefore these realities must still exist, just out of your range of experience.

Now since everything exists in this eternal moment of now then the same laws of reality apply to what we will label the "past events" for your ease of understanding.  One of these laws is that everything is in a constant state of change.  Therefore the past energy you no longer experience is still in a state of flux and creation just as your current reality is.  Your teacher Ed talks about how shamans can alter their past events.  This is very true and is a rather simple thing to accomplish.  Simply one must reconnect with the energy of that previously experienced moment and then alter his or her choices.  By doing so you now have had a chance to experience two alternate realities within one seemingly linear lifetime.  You will not forget either reality, but now you have the choice to pull from the energy of either decision.  We suggest of course using the energy of the choice that brings you the most joy.  The more experienced you become with connecting to previously experienced energy the stronger the connection will be and the more "real" it will feel to you.  Of course remember that every thought is real and has an energetic "body" of its own. 

Such exercises also work with reality outside of your current experiences that you have never lived through in this lifetime.  Your friend, for example, asked about discovering the true life of Jesus.  We can say for certain that there are many energetic versions of this reality floating around and that anyone can choose which reality to pull from in their experience.  Now of course there will always be the popular history which has the beliefs of many people supporting it, so these versions of reality will be more easily accessible to you.  Of course popular history also is in flux and changing, and sometimes it only takes one person to pull from a different version of reality to create massive change to popular history.  You are seeing this happen on the very topic of Jesus and religion in general.  People are changing their views and as such new historical evidence will appear to support this new popular belief. 

So if all this is true then you must be beginning to understand why it is so important to not judge anyone or anything on the past, especially yourself.  This means that you should not fall into old patterns that repeat in a similar fashion simply because you have only experienced them in that way.  Imagine eating only one flavor of ice cream simply because it is the only one you have tasted in the past.  Well, many people do that in their lives, thus limiting the untapped potential of ultimate reality creation all of us can experience.  This leads to unhappy and unfulfilled lives, mostly because a part of you knows that something more exciting and joyous exists but that you currently cannot see it.  We would much rather see you pull from the reality that you wish to experience and create everything in your life anew.  If you learn the ability to do this to a high degree then there is no limit to the happiness and joy and excitement you can experience.  This is what Spirit wishes for you, but of course it will always be your choice.  We just prefer that you make an informed choice.  We will leave you with this for now.  Move forward in joy and peace and you will begin to see it behind you as well.  We will speak with you again soon.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Perception = Reality

So let's try this again.  I was almost finished with a post when something happened and the page closed.  I am guessing there is some reason for it.

 Well, we would say that if you must find reason for something to happen or exist then you will be able to perceive it.  In this case we would suggest that perhaps the beginning of the blog post was a little boring and unnecessary.  It is better that you get to the heart of the discussion right away.  What we discussing is the misconception of non-physical reality.  Non-physical is the same as physical, there is truly no separation between them.  Both are reality.  The difference is in the reality that is perceived.  What you easily perceive you call physical, everything else you call non-physical.  In what you would call absolute reality everything just is.  Your perceptive abilities have even caused you to create something called death, which is again a concept based on perceptive limits.  Recently you heard the water analogy Nathan.  When water turns to steam you do not say that the water has died do you?  Your lives are the same as the water.  There is a change for sure, but everything is constantly changing anyway.  Nothing in your life exists exactly as it did seconds ago.  Everything is in a process of constantly redefining itself.  And as everything around you changes you get to choose how it will be perceived in your reality.  Perception is everything.  All That Is simply is, how you view it creates what you experience.  As you open up to certain ideas you allow yourself the ability to perceive those concepts and thus experience them as part of your reality.  Your concept of multiple realities and universes are really only multiple perceptions of an all-encompassing consciousness and life energy.  From this consciousness stream you can call forth the concepts that you would like to perceive in your life and this is what many of you call the law of attraction.  It is nothing more than allowing your perception of something that is already existing.  Now, you are creating all the time, but once a thought is conceived it exists within the probabilities of the universe.  Then you, through what you allow yourself to perceive increase or decrease the probabilities of perception in your personal experience.  You, Nathan, have chosen to be able to perceive life after what you call death.  In doing so you are constantly shown proof of life continuing on when it is no longer easily perceived by the masses on your planet.  Many others are also following suit and as they do so the mass consciousness of the world increases its probabilities of experiencing life after death as well.  So now more and more people are gaining access to these new perceptions and when enough people do then the non-physical will become a part of everyday reality.  When this happens the non-physical as you call it will become much more physical to you.  It will be very real and much easier perceived by all.  And this is how you are able to change the world.  Increase your own perceptions of something you would like to see.  This is why law of attraction teachers say to focus on the things you want and not on what you do not want to experience.  As you increase perception of anything you increase the probability of it manifesting in your reality.  Since you are part of a mass consciousness experience as well, you increase the probability of everyone else experiencing it too, even of only to a small degree.  Does this make sense to you Nathan?

Yes, I believe it does.  I think I need to sit with it for a bit so I can bring some new questions to the discussion.  I guess when I was told that the true nature of reality was one of probabilities I did not completely understand it.  I am beginning to get it a little more now.

Trust us you are only scratching the surface.  New material has come to you though so read up and bring your new knowledge to the discussion next time.  There is so much to discuss, and we cannot wait to further this discussion and add to everyone's perceptive abilities.  Until then, stay in peace, love and joy.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Spiritual Humility

So I recently was thinking about humility and how it applies to being a spiritual person.  Many people feel humility comes along with spirituality but in what ways and to what degree are largely open to debate.  How do you in Spirit feel about the subject of humility?
Ah, being humble is a very interesting topic for those pursuing a Spiritual path in life.  We of course will say that there is no right or wrong, the subject depends on what you are seeking in your life.  We feel that the most beneficial way to be humble is to be open to experience anything and any point of view.  Allow others to teach you and learn what you can from them.  This does not mean take the information to heart and believe it, but rather to listen and try to understand where they are coming from and then see if the message resonates with you in a positive way.  Admitting that you do not know everything is the best way to be humble. 
At the same time some people use the subject of humility to perpetuate the myths that they are unworthy.  We feel that it is okay to accept praise for something you have accomplished in life.  It is beneficial for you to feel positive about your actions.  So we do not suggest that you play down your successes in life in order to follow a humble Spiritual path.  There is nothing spiritual about denying the greatness that all of you are.  At the same time, as you accept the praise, be willing to admit that someone else can still teach you about the topic and be ready to listen. 
When you started this blog Nathan, you were concerned about naming it “Nate’s Messages” because you were afraid people would look at the name and think you were cocky or full of yourself.  Now though, we believe you are ready to understand why you were inspired to call them Nate’s Messages.  The reason is because these are not just messages channeled by you but rather for you.  These are our messages to you Nathan.  This is why they are Nate’s Messages.  We asked you to start this blog because a great many people can learn from these messages as well, but they are a part of your spiritual path.  In a way this blog will serve to be a spiritual journal for you allowing yourself to see growth throughout the years.  Allow yourself to be not only the author but the student and any fears you have about not being humble enough will fade away.
Another area we would like to touch upon briefly is the concept of money in exchange for services, as this plays to the Spiritual path and humility.  Money is nothing more than an agreed upon concept of exchange.  Money itself is worthless unless you place value on it.  If the world suddenly decided to turn away from the concept of currency then instantly the wealthiest people in the world would be on the same level as everyone else.  So money is not something that is evil, or unspiritual, it is barely even a thing.  Money is a concept, and you decide as a society how much of this concept a certain action or object in your world is worth.  So when you begin to value your spiritual gifts, whether they are healing, or counseling, or messages, you get to decide how this concept of money applies.  A spiritual person would say, “ I do not understand everything about my gifts, so I have plenty to learn, but what I do have and understand is valuable and worth something.”  To feel what you have is not valuable is to be a fearful being, not a spiritual one.  At the same time to intentionally try and take more from people than is healthy for them to give is also fearful, as you are saying to the universe there is not enough around so I need to take as much as I can.  We suggest that anyone looking to live off their spiritual gifts look at what they would desire to survive comfortably, look at what they personally would give for the service being provided, and then find that happy medium where they feel that neither themselves nor the client is being taken advantage of in the exchange.  When both parties feel the price is fair then the value is determined and both people can move forward and appreciate the spiritual gifts that are being shared. 
Remember that we are all connected so it is in everyone’s best interest to find that place of mutual positive exchange.  If such a place cannot be found then it is best to part ways and wish each other the best.  This is what we suggest to people in such a situation.  We offer this to you Nathan as it is information that you will use soon yourself, as well as your wife and many others who attend your church.  Always find the place of joy and love, in whatever you do, and you will find the path you seek.  Remember to love others and yourself as there is really no difference, except that which you create in your mind’s reality.  That is all for now.  Stay confident in all you do and keep that thirst for learning and you will always continue to move ever upward and onward.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Truth is Marching On

So Spirit, today I got myself all riled up and ready for the March Against Monsanto tomorrow.  I am sure you know about this.  Can I ask you if Spirit has a perspective on Genetically Modified Organisms and businesses such as Monsanto?

Well, first of all let us say this, do not fear forever destroying the biodiversity of the Earth.  We do not feel that you can ever truly destroy nature, as is a fear of people regarding GMOs.  Many are worried about the biodiversity of the Earth being affected, and while it may be for a while the Earth will always correct itself.  So that is not a huge issue in the eyes of Spirit.  Of course it may be for all of you because the effects of Mother Nature correcting herself could eventually drastically deplete your food sources.  This is the problem anytime biodiversity is affected, one strain of illness can wipe out everything.  So we do believe that if you all want your quality of life to stay as it is then it would be important to prevent loss of biodiversity in the present.

There is a larger issue we have with what is happening, and we mean this in the more human aspects of us that come through now, because of course in the grand scheme no one can truly be hurt.  Spirit dislikes the loss of freedom that is taking place.  When you came to Earth you came to express yourself and to discover who you wish to be.  This is absolute freedom and Spirit using this freedom creates new and glorious ideas and manifestations.  That is why all Spirit chooses to incarnate, to expand the universe in new and wonderful experiences.  When any freedoms are lost, even if only perceived to be lost since no one can truly affect your experience without your allowance, then this perception of lost freedom creates a perspective within the incarnated humans that they are less than who they really are. 

In the case you are speaking about the company Monsanto looks to own food seed.  This means, according to your government at least, that anyone who grows food using such seed owes Monsanto, even if the seed is accidentally added to their crops.  We do not believe that a great few expressing control over many is ever a true representation of who we all really are, and therefore Spirit is willing to assist those who wish to create equal opportunity and balance.  Freedom is your true essence and we in Spirit wish for all to see this and use this knowledge to create a truly magnificent world.  It is happening.  Your world is changing even as we speak and people are deciding to not be controlled anymore.  We find it amusing that your country, who so cried for freedom and stood as an example to so many has now become the fear based control regime you so fought against.  Your country is controlled by money, and even this concept of money is no longer backed by anything real.  You base your whole lives on working to earn what amounts to a promise from your government of something real, when in fact what you work for is worthless and can be destroyed at any time.  It is important to realize this, and this reality is why it is so important to have control over the real things in life, such as your food and water supplies.  Worry less about the economy and its illusion and focus on controlling what really matters.  Companies like Monsanto realize this and it is why they have acted in such a way.

In the long run you will live on either way.  You get to choose what your collective reality will contain.  Do you wish to be controlled by the few or will you stand up with your fellow man and decide that the many have more power, because they do.  The many will always be more powerful in a collective consciousness created reality.  The many, especially backed by knowledge of how the universe works and how we are connected to everything around us, have an unlimited source of power.  False concepts of money and worth mean nothing in your reality.  The only meaning they have is what you give them.  Take the power you give to money, and governments, and big businesses and military and place that power in your belief of who you are and no one can touch you.  In fact, they will all cower in front of you because they will see that you are untouchable and that you have what they they have always strived for, complete control of your reality.

This is the message we would like to spread.  We worked with your passion for activism in this post Nathan, which accounts for the slightly different tone in the beginning, to show you how important this revolution across the world is.  You create your reality.  You get to decide who has the power.  And as you march with your fellow activists tomorrow understand that you have the power.  You are not fighting against someone with all the power, you are the power saying no to the illusion others have created for you.  March with this in your hearts and no doubt you will see your world change.  It has to, this is the way of the universe.  We send you love and light and know that we are always with you, pushing all of you to find your inner freedom, your connection to Spirit, and your power of creation.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Program Allowing

I have no idea what this post should be about.  I know that you came through for me in the trance class I recently took.  I was nervous that I would not bring anyone through and asked you to be there, and when I finally allowed you to open my mouth I was amazed at how fluidly you spoke through me.  Can you comment on this to begin?

We were glad to be there with you, and of course you knew we would be there.  What you truly questioned was if you would allow us to speak through you.  That is what this post is to be about, allowing.  To often in your lives you create the desire for something and then do not allow it into your world.  For instance Nathan, you really wanted us to come through in trance.  We knew this many weeks in advance as we heard your prayers.  We planned to be right there with you but knew that there were steps needed to get you to the place where you would allow yourself to "give us the reins" so to speak.  Therefore, as we mentioned during trance, we first taught you to light trance our messages through the guided meditations you do at church.  These meditations were a simple step  forward from the writing that you are doing here.  The difference was the usage of your voice.  Once you began doing the meditations and allowed us to channel them through you we knew that full on trance channeling would be allowed by you as well. 

Of course, what if you had not been prepped for this moment?  If we had not worked with you prior to this class there is a good chance that you would not have allowed what you desired to happen.  Why would anyone not allow there desires to come true?  Well, it happens all the time, and the prime reason for this is fear.  When you desire something you are proclaiming that it is something you do not have.  Therefore to get this desire to manifest you have to change something.  What do you have to change?  Luckily the answer is a simple one.  You only have to change who you are in relation to the world around you. 

The term most people are using for this is changing your vibration.  It is not a new idea that you are all energy.  Nor is it a new concept that your world runs as a computer program.  The interesting thing about your world is that it runs like a computer program where the programmer exists within the program.  You are both the creator and the person having the experience, and this is often where people lose sight of their reality.  Since you exist within the program you get to abide by all its fun rules and codes.  Since you are also the programmer though, you can change the coding of this very same program.  You do this by changing the coding within yourself, or as some people like to put it your vibration.  Vibration is not an incorrect way of saying it but we are going to use the term program here because we want you to understand your true power.  People do not always understand changing their vibration, but changing a program often makes sense to them.

It is only a few lines of code that need to be changed before the whole world around you is affected.  In any program one tiny misplaced figure can prevent the desired outcome from appearing.  The same is true with your world.  You can set up everything you need for success but if your code is off just a bit your chances of success will be diminished.  So how do you change your program?  Well your program is your thoughts.  The world is sending you constant signals and you get to interpret them with your thoughts.  In this way your mind will connect with thoughts that are of a similar wavelength and it will dismiss thoughts that are different.  This is your own internal filter and it is a wonderful thing, especially once you learn to control it.  The thoughts you put out determine how the energetic universe around you reacts.  So now how do you allow certain energies and thoughts in that will allow you to manifest what you truly desire?  The easy way is to change what you think.  Of course it is best to first find out what you need to change.  If there is a desire that you are not allowing in your life then there is some fear hidden in your code.  So you need to find that fear and then allow your program to change.  For you Nathan, in your trance class, the fear was about giving a Spirit control of your body, and also a fear of being put on the spot or faking it.  Now in your heart you knew that we would come through for you, just as you know that you would never fake a message to someone.  You always give only what you feel and nothing more.  So as you began the process of allowing us in you kept using the thoughts, "I love you; I surrender."  This change in your pattern was all that you needed to allow us in.  With love you removed any fear of negative energy or false messages and with surrender you gave us the ability to calm your nerves and come through you.  You were able to identify these fears ahead of time and we put a plan in place for you. 

Yes, I read about a few different people who did trance and got a few pointers, especially the one about surrender.  I had a feeling I was being led to read about these different people. 

We led you to them but only because it was your desire to allow us to come through.  And once you had these tools of "love and surrender" there was no way you could fail, because you had a way to calm your fears and allow the original manifesting desire to come forth.  So we ask those of you reading this to be honest and find your fears that are keeping you from your desire.  Where is the blockage, what is the thought that is sabotaging your code?  Once you can find it replacing the code is as simple as repeating, "I love you.  I surrender."  And know that when you find the fear that is preventing you from manifesting your desire we in Spirit will place before you the tools you need, just as we did with Nathan, so that you can feel secure and comfortable changing your code and thus changing the way the whole world presents itself to you.  And that our friends, is the true power of love and Spirit, and it is the true nature of who you are.  You are the creator of worlds, and the power to change your life is just a few thoughts away.  We are right there with you so have no fear, and without fear you will truly soar. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Heartfelt Truth

Hello Spirit.  Sorry for absence.  I think I am ready to write this message now.  I knew that you wished to speak about what happened in Boston last week and I was a little uncomfortable. 
Yes, you’ve been nervous to write about it. We understand that and have been slowly giving you much of the information we would like to share so that you would feel comfortable writing it.
Yes, I am grateful for that.  I was worried that people would think I was using the situation to promote myself.  Now though I see that what you have to say is important.
We feel it is a message that needs to be shared.  We tell you not to worry.  Most of those who come here are ready to read this.  The few that are uncomfortable with this message are still just going through their own healing process.  It is our hope they will receive some healing through our words.  So let us begin shall we?
Yes lets.  Please go on and share your message.
First of all we would like to let you know that the Spirit world is affected very much by your events just as those on your plane of existence are.  For us though the response is a little different.  We do not mourn those who have died, for we know that in reality they are very much alive and have just transitioned to another plane of existence.  We rather mourn for those who allow fear to enter their experience because of these events.  When such events happen on your world there is a tremendous chance for your planet to evolve spiritually.  We know that you spoke with a friend at church about the response to the Boston events. 
Yes, we spoke about how the immediate response seemed to be one of love rather than fear.  Sure some people became angry and fearful, but many people truly seemed to come together.
Yes, and while we do not wish for such events to happen in your world, when they do we as guides hope to push all of you towards finding the love inside.  There is a flurry of activity in our world when such events happen as we do our best to communicate to and through you the actions of compassion.  We feel that many did this last week and we are very proud of all of you who found your inner truth and revealed it.  Our work as guides is not done however, regarding this event.  It is now more than ever that we must continue to help all of you see the compassion and love.  As people begin to focus on punishing those who are said to be involved, we stress how important it is to release and remove yourselves from anger and stay in love. 
It is important to remember that fear and hate come when one sees him or herself as separate from the world around them.  When these people are not connected to the world and their God essence they sometimes lash out to make others feel the same sense of loss that they feel.  Your guest speaker at church this week, Bridget, made a good point about this.  When people are sick they need help healing, not to be blamed for being sick.  Sure, it is important to make sure that in their sickness they do not harm others, but it is also important to realize that those who commit such actions are in need of help.  They need to reconnect with their spirit energy.  They need to feel loved and not alone.  They need to feel as though the world is not out to get them.  Unfortunately, since they often feel the world is against them they manifest it, sometimes in very big ways.  So some may say that these people got what they deserved and have manifested the world being against them.  It is okay for those to have that view if they choose, but think about this.  What if instead through their biggest actions to create their depressed reality, those who hurt others instead found out that they are still loved, despite their actions?  What if their call for help, their signs of feeling alone were answered by forgiveness?  How would it affect their lives?  How would it affect the world?
We are here to tell you that such a showing of compassion would change the world.  Don’t you think that the world view of your country would change?  Can you feel how those who preach hate would lose influence over people; how people would see through their lies?  It is easy to love those who do you no harm, but for many it is difficult to love those who commit the lowest of crimes against you.  The truth is that they need love the most.  If you could find it within yourselves to offer compassion the entire world would look at you and say, “See how they embody love and compassion; truly they are not our enemies.”  In the past people have turned to hate and war in the wake of such events.  These actions have only created more hate and fear throughout the world.  Now you have a chance to change all this.  You spoke about this event and the outpouring of love, and you are already noticing that there has been a change.  Continue down this path and you will move forward in creating your world of peace.  You are all connected.  Remember this as people throw out judgments.  When you judge another you judge yourself.  When you forgive another you forgive yourself.  Compassion is the key word.  Compassion is accepting the world for what it is, without judgment.  From this place of compassion you have the ability to change everything around you.  Acceptance of what is gives you power to affect the future.  Denial and judgment take away your power.  If you all truly want to express your inner Godhood and create a world of peace begin now.  Judge not and love always.  Know that as your hearts connect with all those around you every feeling of love counts.  Every sign of peace and compassion is felt by the world.  No good deed goes unfelt, even if it may go unnoticed.  You do not have to preach what we have written here; many are not ready to hear it.  Those of you who came here are.  So just feel the love and compassion in your hearts and know that it is affecting everyone you come in contact with.  We will leave you with this for now.  Know that all who have passed are in a place of love, and that they wish for all of you to find that same place of love here on Earth.

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Place of Expansion

So Spirit, I showed our blog to some people and a few members of our church had some really positive comments.  Hearing from them made me wish to ask you what the role of our church is and should become in the future.  How do you view the First Spiritualist Church of Rhode Island and where do you see us going?

First of all we are happy to hear people are connecting with the information presented.  This means that these people are in a similar vibrational pattern to you, Nathan, at least as far as their Spiritual beliefs go.  Beliefs are usually the essence of a church or religious body.  We feel though that beliefs are not the driving force behind your church.  In fact, while you do state some beliefs and have others repeat them, that is truly the least important and we feel the least successful part of your church service.  Where you all find success is in your teaching.  We truly prefer to see your organization as a school over that of a religion.

This idea of being a school is where you will find success.  By teaching others to connect with Spirit you will open a new path for them to expand their lives in wondrous ways. Of course it is important to allow them to use this knowledge to form their own beliefs.  By allowing others to believe different concepts and yet still feel comfortable within your church you will create a place of amazing expansion.  In fact, having a belief and experience forum would be a great way to truly expand your minds.  In this case no one person would take the lead as teacher.  People could openly discuss what they believe and why.  And then others could respectfully say why they feel differently and explain their own experiences.  Allow everyone to talk and speak.  At the end, everyone should take home what they have heard and open their minds saying, "What if my friend's belief is true."  In fact, take the most interesting belief you heard that night and live it for one day, or maybe even longer.  How does living that belief affect your life?  Next time discuss what you have experienced in your time apart. 

Want to really expand your reality quickly?  Have everyone in the group expand their beliefs further to what most would consider a ridiculous level.  Make up crazy theories about the universe and them share them.  Thoughts like these will open your minds in way you could not believe.  It is funny how little people are willing to truly experiment and test their belief systems.  If you do not hold on so tightly to your beliefs we guarantee that you will discover something more wonderful than you could ever imagine. 

Allow your church to become this place.  Let the dreams become the reality.  Allow people to share their stories.  Do not let a small few be heard.  This is especially true in who comes to speak at your church.  Are they open minded and excited by Spirituality and change?  If so then we feel they should come.  If rather a medium, no matter how gifted with communication, holds tight to their beliefs and their way of doing things, let them find another place to speak.  Your church is about growing, for both its members and those who run it.  We will tell you now that even with the experienced and wonderful teachers that you have within your church group, there are so many concepts that are not really understood about the universe and Spirit.  So even the greatest teachers that you have need to be the students as well.  Use your church as a place to experience that which you have never experienced before.  Use your church as a place to discover truth, and then use that truth to discover new truths.  Allow this process to continue and you will soon learn that the first truth you discovered no longer has the same meaning because you have allowed your perspective to expand, and with this new expansion you discover new truths. 

Once you lose the quest for truth and expansion your church will no longer serve the needs of the people.  We feel that it is also very important that your organization does not just cater to those who are new to Spirit communication.  Sure the church is a great starting point for anyone, but your growth and expansion and importance will really come from catering also to the needs of those who would push the boundaries of their beliefs.  Always push further ahead and never be afraid to share this new knowledge.  Never be afraid to say we once believed this, but now our experience points us in another direction.  Always make your goal be to serve the people in their needs and to serve the universe by pushing to understand it more closely.  There is a whole reality out there waiting to be discovered by you, waiting to speak with you and waiting to expand your lives into such amazing places you could not even comprehend at this time.  Push yourself, push others, release and explore and if you do so then you, your church, and all those who come to it will fall in love with life in ways never believed before.  This is why your current beliefs are so unimportant, because even better ones are just around the bend.  Until then, enjoy where you are.  Love life.  Live life.  Explore life and allow it to change.  Wonderful things are coming just around the bend, and we all in Spirit cannot wait to meet you there.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Belief Perspective

Hello, it's been a little while since I've written a post.  I have the feeling that we are going to discuss perspective and knowledge, but I do not know exactly where it will go.  So let's see what Spirit has to say.

You are correct that we will be speaking about perspective.  Our major point that we wish to speak about is understanding that everyone of you basically has the same beliefs, though many of you wrongly condemn others' beliefs as wrong.  Take for instance this holiday of Easter many choose to celebrate.  Christians will tell you that it is their most important holiday.   Throughout the ages they have been taught to believe that the religions which existed before Christianity were incorrect and uncivilized.  Yet if anyone really looks into modern day Christianity it is basically a Pagan religion in its ceremonies.  Easter is a holiday that has been celebrated for thousands of years before the birth of Jesus.  Of course so is Christmas pagan in origin.  Our point here is to understand that most religions today are really just derivatives of older religions.  Sure the names have changed, but even the concept of a god dying and being reborn as a savior comes from older religions.  We do not say this to upset people and only use Christianity as an example because of it's popularity in your part of the world Nathan.  Spiritualism, the church that you belong to Nathan, has beliefs that have been around for thousands of years as well.  Our point is that your beliefs are basically the same and that it is your perspective of them that determines how you interact with the world.

The perspective most people have is determined by the amount of fear they let into their lives.  For instance, most religions believe in life after death.  They find the concept of eternal life comforting.  While they believe in life after death many do not believe you can communicate with the dead.  Wouldn't it be natural to believe if people exist beyond their physical bodies that they could somehow communicate with us?  Logic would tell you that this should be possible, and we tell you it is, but many are afraid of what they cannot see and therefore push this belief out of their reality.  It is a fear based belief.  We would go so far as to say that even atheists have the same beliefs about life.  Most would even admit that they wish there was life after death but since they have no proof they do not want to waist time with what they cannot prove.  This fear of waisting their life away pursuing what they cannot prove motivates them to instead try and live very positive lives doing good here and now, not very different from how believers try and live their lives.  We would tell you that this is just a different perspective based again on the fear they let into their lives.  We are not saying that atheists are more fearful because they do not believe in life after death, most would like to, they just place the fear in a different place.  Even in Spiritualism many of you are tied down to old belief systems and hold a large amount of fear.  Since many of you believe in the non-physical you are fearful of what it may do to you.  Often people cover themselves in protection to be safe and yet their lives do not seem to be any better lived than those who do not.  We would say that it is not protection they need but rather an understanding of their consciousness and the energy that carries it.  We will discuss this at another time. 

This message is to simply point out the truth they way we in Spirit see it.  We do not condemn the atheist, the Christian, the Spiritualist, or any other belief system.  What we wish for you to see is the similarities.  As we have written in our book Nathan, Spirit sees others through their similarities rather than their differences.  It makes the world a truly wonderful place to see we are all the same.  Therefore we believe that it is always best to work with others who may seem different and find the similarities.  They are there.  And by finding those similarities you eliminate the fear and allow your perspectives to come closer into alignment.  And when people achieve a closer perspective, they begin to manifest together as a group towards one goal.  And this, our friends, is how you change the world.  Enjoy your holiday.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Life is One

I asked what I should write about today and heard in my head that it should be about our concept of life.  I know that this is connected to the ET class I recently attended. So what is it that you wish to say about life?

Thank you for asking.  It is true that you recently attended a class on ET's and in it you were inspired to mention that ET's who are spiritually advanced are no different than Spirit, in the sense that we are all very alive, real, and able to contact people through their spiritual senses.  This is in fact true but it is only part of the picture.  What we really want you all to understand is that all life is truly one and the same. 

Do you humans really think that you are so different from Spirit, or aliens, or animals even?  If all of us are expressions of Spirit then we are all the same and equals in the eye of the Divine.  Mankind often has this wonderful idea that it is somehow the ultimate species and that it stands head and shoulders above other beings.  Some go so far as to assume that animals are meant to be food and that is the reason for their existence.  We are here to tell you that animals, whether they are cattle or wild, are here for the very same reason you are, feeling many of the same feelings that you feel.  So we suggest that you do alter your reality to allow passion in for all forms of life.  You are no more special in the eyes of Spirit than any other being, because you are no different than that being.  In fact you are of the same energy and therefore in the truest sense you are all one and the same.  Understanding this and applying it would cause many changes for those in your world, which is why many choose to fight it.  If their end goal truly is love and peace, at some point they will need to acknowledge this and accept it as a part of their reality.  Once accepted, then it would be in their highest interest to act upon it. 

Now just as these animals, who are the same extensions of Spirit that you all are, share similar feelings and emotions, so to do the beings that you would call "alien" life.  And as they are similar extensions of the Divine life force choosing to manifest in your reality, they are able to exhibit the same feelings and emotions that you humans have.  Your friend Mark from the church was correct to say that it is not in anyone's best interest to call one group of beings good and another bad.  All beings upon birth are allowed a freedom to choose their path, and some may go with their societies and some may choose a different path.  So is it true that other beings exist out there?  Yes, of course it is.  Are there some species that are more spiritually evolved and in general wish to help humans?  Of course, just as there are some species of beings who predominantly would prefer to control your race.  The important concept to remember is that you cannot tell an individual's desire, based on their race, culture, or origin.  This is a truth that exists for all beings, and it is important to remember this in all that you do. 

Do not ever assume that someone is out to hurt you based on their appearance.  Instead we suggest that you search inside and use your intuition to guide you.  Do this in all walks of life.  Use it for the people you meet in your world.  Use it when you encounter spirit beings that contact you.  And use it as you connect with other forms of life that you may encounter on your journey here.  We actually recommend that if you find yourself put off or scared by a certain group of beings, that it is in your best interest to find someone in that group whom you can connect with in a positive way.  This will lead to a better understanding for all involved and can only lead towards bringing forth that goal of peace.  Peace and love and joy are the natural state of any and every being.  All beings are part of this one great divine energy so all beings are part of each other.  Embrace this concept in all that you do and we guarantee that you will find the peace, and love and joy that you seek.  As we bring this message to a close we would like to express our truth outwardly by saying, "Peace and love and joy be with you all".

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Divine Movement

So I just heard that this blog post is going to be about movement.  Other than that I have no idea where this is going.  So Spirit, what is it you'd like to tell us about movement?

Well first of all we would like to thank all of you for joining us.  Of course when we say that we mean joining us consciously, as we are always connected through the divine unity.  So when we talk about movement we mean a couple of things.  First we will talk to you about physical movement.  Movement is the vehicle of life.  Without movement, if everything were to stop, there could be no physical existence.  Energy moving into vibrational patterns is what makes up this world of yours.  If you or any part of you were to stop moving you would die.  If your heart stops beating, if your cells stopped doing their work and reproducing, life could not exist.  We would like to impress upon you how important this is.  One might say that movement is life, and therefore the more one moves the more one truly lives.  Life is about gathering experiences and there seems to be more fulfillment for people who experience many new things by constantly moving through life. 

Now we mean this physically but we also mean it mentally as well.  Which now brings us to our second point about movement.  Movement through thought patterns is extremely important as it allows the most expansion.  Always question everything.  Never get stuck on a thought vibration because when something becomes an absolute to you the potential it has to greatly change your life is diminished.  Do you understand what we have just said?  When you believe something so much that you stop questioning it then it loses some of its value.  The idea no longer can push you into new expansion and becomes a stagnant energy.  We mean this about everything, especially spirituality.  Do not ever think you understand it because your universe is constantly changing and expanding.  What may have been true yesterday does not necessarily hold true today.  This is because we live in a universe full of many creative individuals expressing their Godhood through the creation of everything around themselves.  There is a phrase that is sometimes said in your church that bothers you Nathan, that "God never moves" and "God never changes."  We are here to tell you that God is always moving and changing.  That is the purpose of life.  To change and move is to exist.  So always be looking forward to change.  See the Godliness in the movement.  Know that if you fight change eventually it will find you because movement is the true nature of God and it is therefore your true nature as well.  We are always meant to move, to evolve, and to change.  This is the divine order.  Please take the time to see where you would like movement in your lives and then know that God supports this movement.  It is divine nature.

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Nature of Channeling

Hi everybody.  Last night as I was drifting out of consciousness I received some information I would like to share about the nature of channeling.  I will ask Spirit to please step in and help me to explain this information so that it comes across clear and to the point.  So if you would please Spirit?

Of course.  We are so glad that you were able to remember this and ask us about it.  Nathan, you will be starting to get more information during your sleep time so please be prepared for it.  Did you not notice our little gift to you last night?

Yes, as I laid in bed I turned to be on my side and rolled my hand directly onto a pen.  I had no idea how it got there.  I assumed Alanna was studying and somehow it wound up there.

Yes, your wife was how we got the pen to the bed, but we assisted it in finding your hand and ending up on your side of the bed.  As you know she studies on top of the covers on the other side of bed.  So we used our influence to send you a message that you need to remember information as it comes to you. Of course in your tired state you did not realize this and gave your wife the pen. 

Yes, I realized after I gave it to her that I may have found it for a reason.

And in realizing that there was a reason the message was received so all is in fact well.  Now onto the question you asked about.  Last night we explained to you why channeling works.  It works because when  mediums connect to beings they are not connecting outwardly.  In fact you, Nathan,  right now in typing this are not connecting outwardly but rather connecting inwardly.  This is because WE ARE ALL ONE.  The Jesus or angels that people connect to are not outside beings coming to them in their time of need but rather an expansion of their awareness that they are divinely also these exact beings.  Everyone who sits there awaiting the second coming of Jesus is really not understanding why he came in the first place.  The second coming of Jesus is within you.  You are one and the same.  You are Jesus, and the angels, and God, and the ascended masters, and the extraterrestrials, and the light beings and everything else in the universe.  You, in these moments of connection, are really just widening your focus to include a vibrational frequency which you usually tune out.  Nothing is outside of you.  Everything is INSIDE of you.  This is the secret of everything.  Why do you think that archangel Raphael or Jesus or Mother Mary can appear to so many people all over the world?  It is because they ARE all over the world inside every one of you.  Always look inside for the answers, because that is the only place you will ever find them.  Please focus on this thought and make it a part of your reality.  Do so and you will never be at the mercy of anyone or anything else.  You will be EMPOWERED. Infinite knowledge is within you.  It is you.  That is all for now.

Monday, February 11, 2013


So, what do you wish to talk about for your first message?

Well let us first state that it is far from our first message being posted online.  In fact many people channel Spirit throughout the world and post it online.  Of course here, being channeled through you Nathan, Spirit will have a unique voice.  See, everyone who channels adds some of themselves to the channeling.  This happens in two ways.  First of all every medium is just that, a medium used to translate our thoughts into words.  Therefore every medium has no choice but to include some of themselves and their knowledge into that interpretation.  Some may see this as a bad thing, but in reality we see it as a way to bring forth new ideas into the conversations we have. 

The second way the medium affects the messages is by the spirits they attract to communicate with.  Different mediums will attract different non-physical beings based on where both parties are along their evolution.  So in this way the information being channeled will always be a vibrational match to where you are in your journey. 

So here we are, ready to present a message from our, meaning both you Nathan and ourselves, unique perspective.  We will start by mentioning that you had a great storm this weekend.  Tell us about it.

Yes, we had quite a blizzard.  There was over a foot and a half of snow.  Luckily I was smart enough to go out shovel a few times during the night so that I didn't wake up to a huge mess the next day.  Sure I was tired getting up every few hours but in the long run it seemed worth it.

Thank you for sharing that information because this is what we wish to use as our example for our first post with you.  See, by taking count and then dealing with your situation as it was happening you prevented it from becoming a full blown issue.  This is what we wish to see you in the physical do more of.  Many of you do not take care of yourselves.  You push yourselves, eating poorly, sleeping little, building up stress in your bodies and do nothing about it until it becomes a full blown issue.  Why do you wait so long?  We know that this is not a new message, but it is one that continually falls on deaf ears.  You do this yourself sometimes Nathan.  Why is it that your society gives you sick time at work but only lets you use it when you are extremely unwell?  At that point it is too late.  It is not good to push yourselves until you cannot go any more.  You need to take time before you get sick.  When you notice that you don't feel quite right or that you haven't slept well you need to take a preventative sick day.  This goes for emotionally as well as physically.  Your body will naturally heal itself, that is its function.  Of course if you keep telling it that you do not wish to be well and do not give it the tools it needs then of course it will not be able to do the job.  Give a town everything it needs for its citizens to be happy and they will work together and be prosperous.  But those same people, when deprived of what they need , will turn on each other and the leadership of their society.  You are the leader of your body.  You are made up of individual cells each with their own consciousness.  Give them all what they need and you will prosper as a team.  Fail to do so, and you will find yourself suffering the consequences.

We know that this is a very basic first message, but it is so important.  One cannot seek enlightenment and peace with the outside world while constantly fighting a war within.  Take care of yourselves.  Your body is important.  Your body has consciousness and it wants to work with you to find success.  Find peace with yourself and the whole world opens up to you.  There is so much that you cannot see because you are distracted by this inner battle.  We ask all of you to be more conscious and aware of your bodies.  See the signs that something is not right and take the time to fix it right away.  Create peace in your body and you will see that peace begin to spread out to the world around you.  This is all for today.  Thank you all for joining us.  We hope that you will all treat yourselves as the wonderful creators that you are.


Friday, February 8, 2013

The Introduction

Hi everybody.  I have been pushed by Spirit to start writing this blog.  I have no idea where this is leading but I find that when I trust and follow through great things always happen.  My name is Nathan and I have been studying Spiritualism, healing and mediumship for the past five years.  In 2011 I was lucky to be part of a group of people who founded the First Spiritualist Church of Rhode Island.  This was the beginning of Spirit really pushing me out to become more of a speaker.  As I would talk to people at church many would say to me, when are you going to write your book?  I thought about it for a while, even started writing one for about a week, but never felt I had enough new and interesting things to say. 

One day I was driving home from work and I heard very clearly that Spirit wanted me to start writing.  Playing the smart guy I asked them, why don't you tell me what to write about then, since I had been unsuccessful in the past.  Their reply was very simple, "Sit and write.  Let it be about the lessons you learned while writing a book."  This message blew me away.  If the book was about learning from writing the book, then really to know what the book was about I had to just sit and start typing.  So I did.  I asked a simple question and then quickly, just typing fast enough to keep up with the thoughts forming in my head, I typed out an answer.

I was a little in awe at first.  I had read books formatted in such a way, that was not new to me.  But never did I think I could sit and ask Spirit and then literally type out a response.  So I kept on doing it.  Now I am over 20,000 words in and I am still loving the process.  So much so that when I felt pushed to created this blog from Spirit I no longer felt any hesitation.  I know now that Spirit is really here with us, ready to answer our questions if we are willing to ask them. 

At first I struggled with what to name this blog.  I liked having it be connected to my art site which is  At the same time I wasn't sure if calling it Nates Messages seemed like I was taking all the credit when of course Spirit is doing most of the work.  Then I remembered one of Spirit's first lessons for me was that we work as a team, they need us to help communicate messages as much as we need them.  That was my confirmation from Spirit that it was okay to include my name in the title.  That is how I came upon Nate's Messages - Channeled Through Spirit.

So here I am, ready to do my best to translate the thoughts that pop into my head into words and paragraphs that are easy for you to understand.  When you see typing such as this it is coming directly from me.  When you see words typed in italics that is me translating for Spirit.  I hope that you enjoy the words we have to say.