Friday, March 15, 2013

Life is One

I asked what I should write about today and heard in my head that it should be about our concept of life.  I know that this is connected to the ET class I recently attended. So what is it that you wish to say about life?

Thank you for asking.  It is true that you recently attended a class on ET's and in it you were inspired to mention that ET's who are spiritually advanced are no different than Spirit, in the sense that we are all very alive, real, and able to contact people through their spiritual senses.  This is in fact true but it is only part of the picture.  What we really want you all to understand is that all life is truly one and the same. 

Do you humans really think that you are so different from Spirit, or aliens, or animals even?  If all of us are expressions of Spirit then we are all the same and equals in the eye of the Divine.  Mankind often has this wonderful idea that it is somehow the ultimate species and that it stands head and shoulders above other beings.  Some go so far as to assume that animals are meant to be food and that is the reason for their existence.  We are here to tell you that animals, whether they are cattle or wild, are here for the very same reason you are, feeling many of the same feelings that you feel.  So we suggest that you do alter your reality to allow passion in for all forms of life.  You are no more special in the eyes of Spirit than any other being, because you are no different than that being.  In fact you are of the same energy and therefore in the truest sense you are all one and the same.  Understanding this and applying it would cause many changes for those in your world, which is why many choose to fight it.  If their end goal truly is love and peace, at some point they will need to acknowledge this and accept it as a part of their reality.  Once accepted, then it would be in their highest interest to act upon it. 

Now just as these animals, who are the same extensions of Spirit that you all are, share similar feelings and emotions, so to do the beings that you would call "alien" life.  And as they are similar extensions of the Divine life force choosing to manifest in your reality, they are able to exhibit the same feelings and emotions that you humans have.  Your friend Mark from the church was correct to say that it is not in anyone's best interest to call one group of beings good and another bad.  All beings upon birth are allowed a freedom to choose their path, and some may go with their societies and some may choose a different path.  So is it true that other beings exist out there?  Yes, of course it is.  Are there some species that are more spiritually evolved and in general wish to help humans?  Of course, just as there are some species of beings who predominantly would prefer to control your race.  The important concept to remember is that you cannot tell an individual's desire, based on their race, culture, or origin.  This is a truth that exists for all beings, and it is important to remember this in all that you do. 

Do not ever assume that someone is out to hurt you based on their appearance.  Instead we suggest that you search inside and use your intuition to guide you.  Do this in all walks of life.  Use it for the people you meet in your world.  Use it when you encounter spirit beings that contact you.  And use it as you connect with other forms of life that you may encounter on your journey here.  We actually recommend that if you find yourself put off or scared by a certain group of beings, that it is in your best interest to find someone in that group whom you can connect with in a positive way.  This will lead to a better understanding for all involved and can only lead towards bringing forth that goal of peace.  Peace and love and joy are the natural state of any and every being.  All beings are part of this one great divine energy so all beings are part of each other.  Embrace this concept in all that you do and we guarantee that you will find the peace, and love and joy that you seek.  As we bring this message to a close we would like to express our truth outwardly by saying, "Peace and love and joy be with you all".

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